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Office of the CISO: 5 ways a risk assessment can strengthen your business

Office of the CISO: 5 ways a risk assessment can strengthen your business

Critical to effective risk management is the flow of high-quality data and information that feeds processes and decision-making.
Vasquez + Company LLP – 2023 RSM Leaders Conference

Vasquez + Company LLP – 2023 RSM Leaders Conference

Know about Vasquez + Company LLP and Vasquez Advantage Center. Discover what makes us the right partner for you. At Vasquez, we combine our bench strength across distinct disciplines to guide your organization’s process to the next level and help you address a variety of complexities regardless of size, sector, or location.
Remote work tax: Employer compensation considerations

Remote work tax: Employer compensation considerations

Employers must set compensation policies for remote workers taking into account federal and state tax laws and state legal requirements.
Growth, employment and identifying the end of a business cycle

Growth, employment and identifying the end of a business cycle

U.S. economic growth during the first quarter most likely reached 2.35% based on our RSM forecast, in contrast with the 2% estimated by other sources.
Nonprofit Finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO)

Nonprofit Finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO)

Learn about Vasquez Finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO) services and how we bring value to our clients. We enable nonprofit organizations to scale finance and accounting resources as needed instead of hiring, training, and paying salaries and benefits of full-time employees.
How manufacturers can manage back-office costs in a tight economy

How manufacturers can manage back-office costs in a tight economy

Assessing how IT and broader technology teams enable efficiency is key.
SECURE 2.0’s legislative impact on plan corrections

SECURE 2.0’s legislative impact on plan corrections

SECURE 2.0 expanded the Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS) to enhance the operational feasibility of qualified plans.
Equity compensation planning when markets are in turmoil

Equity compensation planning when markets are in turmoil

What happens to equity compensation during periods of market turmoil? Employers and employees have opportunities to adapt to suit economic conditions.
M&A considerations resulting from the new required tax treatment of R&D costs

M&A considerations resulting from the new required tax treatment of R&D costs

New requirements to capitalize and amortize R&D costs are affecting M&A buyers by introducing costs and tax liabilities.
What the 5G revolution means to middle market organizations

What the 5G revolution means to middle market organizations

As 5G networks continue to expand, middle market organizations can realize significant benefits and enhancements to business operations.
Individual coverage and excepted benefit HRAs for employees

Individual coverage and excepted benefit HRAs for employees

HRAs are account-based health plans that employers can use to reimburse employees for health insurance premiums
Tax-advantaged health reimbursement arrangements for employees

Tax-advantaged health reimbursement arrangements for employees

Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) allow employers to pay employees' medical expenses on a tax-free basis.
Automating contract renewals to drive tech company growth

Automating contract renewals to drive tech company growth

Exploring automated solutions is useful for tech companies in their growth stage and later in their life cycle. Companies that have reached a position where they have the capital and resources to create better systems should assess how automating renewals can benefit them.
4 key focus areas for tech companies scaling for rapid growth

4 key focus areas for tech companies scaling for rapid growth

The battle of priorities can seem constant for technology companies in the rapid growth stage of their life cycle. Knowing where to focus your team's efforts is a critical factor in determining the future success of the business.
Contractors face increased regulations and scrutiny in a competitive market

Contractors face increased regulations and scrutiny in a competitive market

Government contractors face increased regulations and scrutiny.