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IRS adds vehicles to section 30D qualified electric vehicle list

IRS adds vehicles to section 30D qualified electric vehicle list

IRS adds 12 new 2022 vehicles eligible for tax credit of up to $7,500, including vehicles manufactured by Hyundai, Kia, Mitsubishi and Ford.
Notice 2021-56 proposes section 501(c)(3) exemption standards for LLCs

Notice 2021-56 proposes section 501(c)(3) exemption standards for LLCs

The IRS recently announced new requirements for LLCs to qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3).
Board risk assessment: Where’s the focus?

Board risk assessment: Where’s the focus?

Risk. Such a broad topic, but boards are ultimately responsible to investors and others for the all-encompassing task of risk oversight.
Can each company in your group support its interest deductions?

Can each company in your group support its interest deductions?

Recent IRS advice notes that a company group including several companies must support the interest deductions claimed by a specific company.
IRS campaign targeting US taxpayers in Puerto Rico is well underway

IRS campaign targeting US taxpayers in Puerto Rico is well underway

This article discusses implications of the recent IRS campaign targeting US expatriates to Puerto Rico and related tax issues.
Life sciences: IPO and public market update

Life sciences: IPO and public market update

The road to IPO for life sciences companies is complex and requires significant time to plan and execute to ensure success. Are you ready?
IRS updates Frequently Asked Questions policy

IRS updates Frequently Asked Questions policy

IRS changes FAQ policy regarding new tax legislation and offers reliance on FAQs as reasonable cause defense to accuracy-related penalties.
IRS continues Research Credit Refund Fight

IRS continues Research Credit Refund Fight

IRS provides guidance about specificity requirement for filing refund claims for IRC section 41 research credit.
‘Friendly doctor’ structures and state combined return considerations

‘Friendly doctor’ structures and state combined return considerations

Filing limitations and requirements at the state level may create both risks and opportunities for federal consolidated filers.
Collaborate Smarter

Collaborate Smarter

At Vasquez & Company LLP, we see the importance of having a credible business advisor and partner to evaluate your organization’s efficiencies and fiscal fitness for future operations.
Technology is transforming the usability of tax data

Technology is transforming the usability of tax data

With tax software platforms, private equity funds have the real-time insights they need for smarter investment decision-making.
Compensation or capital gain tax treatment?

Compensation or capital gain tax treatment?

This article details what should be considered to ensure desired tax treatment for employee-shareholders is achieved in a secondary sale.
Leveraged spin-off ruling shows transaction structuring flexibility

Leveraged spin-off ruling shows transaction structuring flexibility

Recent leveraged spin-off ruling shows favorable tax treatment may still be available even outside of safe harbors provided in IRS guidance.
Barron’s Recognizes RSM US Wealth Management LLC on its List of 2021 Top 100 RIA Firms

Barron’s Recognizes RSM US Wealth Management LLC on its List of 2021 Top 100 RIA Firms

RSM is pleased to announce that RSM US Wealth Management LLC was recently named to Barron’s list of 2021 Top 100 RIA Firms.
The ripple effect of supply shortages

The ripple effect of supply shortages

Fragile global supply chains are facing another round of port closures, factory shutdowns, production halts and labor shortages.