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Step-transaction and substance-over-form in financial transactions

Step-transaction and substance-over-form in financial transactions

In GSS Holdings Inc., the court applied step-transaction and substance-over-form doctrines to a series of financial transactions.
Markets Moved Higher Despite Peak Concerns

Markets Moved Higher Despite Peak Concerns

July was, on balance, a good month for investors. Many broad market indexes across equity and fixed income posted positive returns.
Addressing risks in your health care organization

Addressing risks in your health care organization

A successful risk assessment and internal audit can help locate high-risk areas within your health care organization.
IRS issues employee retention credit gross receipt exclusion procedure

IRS issues employee retention credit gross receipt exclusion procedure

Rev. Proc. 2021-33 allows exclusion of PPP, restaurant revitalization and shuttered venue operator grants from ERTC gross receipts test.
MTC adopts new P.L. 86-272 guidance: What you need to know

MTC adopts new P.L. 86-272 guidance: What you need to know

The Multistate Tax Commission approved new guidance on P.L. 86-272 that specifically addresses internet activities in the new economy.
Massachusetts enacts budget; pass-through entity tax workaround vetoed

Massachusetts enacts budget; pass-through entity tax workaround vetoed

The proposed workaround to the federal SALT deduction is unique in providing a 90% credit for an individual’s share of entity tax paid.
Recipient accounting for SVOG and RRF grants

Recipient accounting for SVOG and RRF grants

The AICPA has issued recipient accounting guidance for Shuttered Venue Operators Grants and Restaurant Revitalization Fund grants.
IRS releases 2021 limits for depreciation deductions for autos

IRS releases 2021 limits for depreciation deductions for autos

Revenue Procedure 2021-31 lists depreciation limits for owners of passenger autos placed in service in 2021 and lessees' income inclusions.
Health care data analytics: Lessons learned in a time of disruption

Health care data analytics: Lessons learned in a time of disruption

Health care leaders share how they leveraged data analytics to meet the challenge of the pandemic and prepare for the future.
CPM: The Worlds Transfer Pricing Method

CPM: The Worlds Transfer Pricing Method

The comparable profits method (CPM) relies on the principle that similarly situated taxpayers tend to earn similar returns over time.
How to implement your transfer pricing study

How to implement your transfer pricing study

Translate your transfer pricing study into policies and procedures that withstands challenges from tax authorities across all jurisdictions.
IRS Practice Unit provides steps for assessing section 6707A penalty

IRS Practice Unit provides steps for assessing section 6707A penalty

The IRS released a new Practice Unit disclosing steps to assess the section 6707A penalty for failing to disclose reportable transactions.
IRS urges entities with EINs to update their information

IRS urges entities with EINs to update their information

IRS will begin issuing letters to approximately 100,000 businesses with Employer Identification Number to update their information.
IRS issues reminder for Highway Use Tax return deadline

IRS issues reminder for Highway Use Tax return deadline

IRS issues reminder for Taxpayers who own heavy vehicles weighing more than 55,000 lbs to file Highway Use Tax return by Aug. 31, 2021.
IRS enhances employee retention credit guidance for open questions

IRS enhances employee retention credit guidance for open questions

Notice 2021-49 provides answers on previously uncertain issues and addresses changes implemented in the American Rescue Plan Act.